ONLINE course

Professional e-mail communication in English
Successful and professional business correspondence!
E-mail communication is convenient but it isn’t always straightforward. For instance, it can be difficult understanding exactly what someone wants from us or what they are trying to tell us. You may sometimes wonder why some people don’t respond to your e-mail. And there are times when we find it hard to get the wording right and put our message across, particularly if the topic is complex.
If this sounds familiar to you, then our online training is there to help you communicate more efficiently. Not only will you improve the quality of the English in your e-mails, but you will also learn what you need to know when communicating with people in different cultural regions.
Course content
Module 1 (one afternoon session)
How do I formulate the subject line to attract greater attention?
How do I avoid misunderstandings and read between the lines?
How do I arouse a certain sympathy through my phrasing and choice of words?
How do I apply informal, business and formal writing styles?
How do I use indirect phrases?
Module 2 (one afternoon session)
How do cultural differences influence email correspondence?
How do I deal with criticism and "emotional" emails?
How do I deliver bad news without damaging the business relationship?
How do I say or write "no" when I cannot fulfill a request?
What answers do you have to my specific questions?
Target group
Ideal for those in customer service, inhouse sales or operative purchasing who are in daily contact with customers and suppliers or where an e-mail ticketing system is in use.
Benefits to you:
You will learn to formulate messages that are easily understood
You will be able to persuade others more through your wording
You will know what kind of wording to use when approaching tricky topics
Your e-mail communication will be more professional and efficient!
Further information:
Each module takes about 3.5 hours, including a short break.
Feel free to bring your own examples and questions for the trainer to help you with.
The training language is English so you can practice and improve your speaking skills too!
Maximum group size: 12 participants
System: Clickmeeting ( )
Dauer: 2 Tage (9.00 – 13.00Uhr)
Termin: 29.03.23 & 05.04.23
Preis: 440€ zzgl. Mwst.
Sprache: englisch
Offenes Seminar:
David Preston
David has twenty-five years’ experience in teaching groups and coaching managers in English. He is the kind of person who really enjoys encouraging and helping others enhance their communication skills and improving their confidence in using the language. Originally from Sheffield in England, David has been living and working in Germany since 1995. He also taught in Croatia for a year in 1998.