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Booking terms and conditions

Use our booking form to reserve places on our open seminars. We will inform you immediately should all the places be taken, and this is not mentioned on the website. Otherwise, you will receive a formal booking confirmation within 48 hours. Once you have received the confirmation of booking from us, your places on the seminar will be reserved.


In the event that insufficient bookings are received for a seminar (i.e. less than two), we will send you due notification at least four weeks in advance that the seminar is to be cancelled or postponed. Please be advised that in the case of a timely cancellation we cannot reimburse you for any travel or overnight stay costs in the case of a face-to-face event.


Cancellation: Of course, it is always possible that circumstances might change in the interim and either you yourself or a named employee is unable to take part in the seminar.


In such cases, the following cancellation conditions apply:


  • If cancelling within 28 days prior to commencement of the seminar, the places will be released for reallocation. In this case you will receive no invoice from us and any fees already received will be immediately reimbursed.


  • If cancelling up to 14 days prior to commencement of the seminar, we will reimburse 40% of the due seminar fee, if already paid. Otherwise, we will issue you with a new invoice for the corresponding amount.


  • If cancelling within 14 days prior to commencement of the seminar, we will be unable to reimburse you with any fees, since it is not possible to reallocate places at such short notice. However, as places are transferable, you may assign them to other persons.


Should the event be cancelled due to illness of the trainer, we shall of course try to reschedule the seminar. If this is not possible, any fees paid will be reimbursed to you in full.


Billing: We will send you the invoice for the seminar four weeks before the seminar begins. The invoice will contain details informing you of the due payment date (30 days net).


Please note that we are unable to accept any registrations deemed to be dubious, for instance from non-existent persons or companies. Such registrations will simply be deleted, and no further response will be given.

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