Discover your very own strategy for greater success
in work and everyday life
Begin your course for only 59 euros! With:
• 14 days money back guarantee
• 12 months of use
• Repeat as often as you like
How you can benefit
You will be able to prepare better and therefore gain greater confidence for your discussions.
You will know how to structure a negotiation as well as which activities occur before during and afterwards.
You will understand how to conduct a negotiation effectively and more efficiently.
You all know what to avoid when negotiating and how to strengthen your own position.
You will learn techniques for dealing with more challenging negotiation situations.
"Negotiation Compact" is your practical guide to getting more out of your negotiations. The course gives you a comprehensive introduction to the subject; from negotiation strategies and tactics, how to plan and structure them, using persuasion techniques and dealing with more difficult people.
The 9 pre-recorded 'lectures' can be watched or even re-watched over a 12-month period. Quiz questions at the end of each module also help you test your knowledge on the subject.
What you can learn
Recognising and using various negotiation styles
Structuring a negotiation
Identifying the negotiation zone
Developing a strong alternative
Using tactical questioning techniques
Putting forward arguments in a convincing manner
Dealing with more challenging people
Handling monopoly situations
Using persuasion tactics
Negotiating according to the Harvard concept
A little preview
TRIAL: You can expect that in this VIDEO TUTORIAL
Your trainer
Sebastian James Hawkins
Sebastian is the founder of Hawkins Consulting and has worked as a trainer and coach since 2008. His main focus is on negotiation, cross-cultural communication and dealing with different personalities in negotiation settings.
The 9 modules in detail:
MODULE 1: Introduction to negotiation
Understanding the nature of negotiation
What are negotiations about and why do we need to negotiate? What does a negotiator have to do and what skills does her or she require? These topics as well as understanding a win-win and win-lose are covered here as well as some important negotiation terms.
What is a negotiation and what is not a negotiation?
What can we achieve through negotiation, what are the consequences if we don't reach our goals?
What is negotiable and when? What is not negotiable right now and why?
What qualities and skills characterise a good negotiator?
What are the tasks of a negotiator and what roles does he or she have to fulfil?
Why do some negotiations fail?
What do win-win and win-lose mean?
How can we structure a negotiation?
At the end of this module ...
You will have gained an understanding of what a negotiation is basically about and will have learned some important terminology with regard to negotiation.
MODULE 2: Negotiation styles
Every person negotiates differently.
In this module we introduce the 5 most important negotiation styles or approaches and discuss the differences between competitive and cooperative or distributive and integrative negotiations. We also address the question of when negotiations should be avoided and clarify the advantages and disadvantages of reaching a compromise.
What are the consequences of focusing only on negotiating positions?
What interests does my negotiating partner pursue and how do we recognise these?
What negotiation approaches are there and what are their advantages and disadvantages?
Why do we reach compromises and what pitfalls can arise?
Is it worth being competitive all the time?
How can we widen the scope for negotiation?
What does reciprocity mean and how do we apply it in negotiations?
At the end of this module...
You will have understood the different approaches to negotiation and know when and how to use them appropriately. You will have gained an insight into the advantages and disadvantages of the different styles and understand why it is important to focus on interests and not just positions.
MODULE 3: Preparation for the negotiation
The cornerstone for every successful negotiation
In this third module we look more closely at the first important phase of the negotiation, the preparation phase. What questions should be examined and answered in depth when planning a negotiation? To this end, we present valuable planning tools. On the one hand, these make it possible to get a better deal. One the other hand, they also help to recognise hopeless situations and, if necessary, let you know when to break off the negotiation.
What do we want to achieve in our negotiation?
What roles are there that need carrying out?
What do we need to know about the other party?
What other important questions do we need to ask ourselves?
How can we develop alternatives to improve our negotiating position?
How can we define the negotiation framework?
What can we do to gain more control over the negotiation process?
At the end of this module ...
You will have become familiar with some of the essential planning tools such as ZOPA and BATNA and be able to apply them. You will be able to recognise which small things you can do, even in the preparation stage, to have a greater influence on the negotiation process and thus the outcome of the negotiation.
MODULE 4: Self-confident appearance
Be the best version of yourself, not the second-best version of someone else (Judy Garland)
After having learning important terminology and preparation issues in earlier modules, we now address aspects of carrying out a negotiation Here we deal with the topics of body language, dealing with one's own emotions in a negotiation as well as how to be perceived as a confident negotiation partner by the other party.
How do we deal with the fear of negotiations?
What can we do to improve the impression we make on others in negotiation?
How do we deal with our emotions?
What little tricks and tactics are there to score points early in a negotiation and influence the other party?
How can we use body language effectively?
At the end of this module...
You will know how to separate the person from the problem and take the negotiation from an emotional level back to a more factual level. You will have received tips on how to improve the way people perceive you, be it through body language or other techniques.
MODULE 5: Conducting successful negotiations I
Start the negotiation well
In our fifth module, we will first look at some of the most important aspects during the so-called information phase of a negotiation. This includes how to ask meaningful questions, build rapport and gain trust. It also includes taking a step back to see the big picture.
Why is the information phase so important for the success of a negotiation?
Which questioning techniques are good for negotiations?
How do we build trust with our negotiating partners and develop a positive relationship?
What can we do if the relationship building is complicated or there is a lack of trust in the negotiating partner?
How do we keep an overview of the situation and keep our own emotions under control?
How can we argue more convincingly?
At the end of this module ...
You will have learned many of the skills needed to be a good negotiator and how to apply them in your discussions. You will have realised the importance of taking a step back to understand the bigger picture. This all forms the basis for developing further options later in the negotiation that can lead to an agreement.
MODULE 6: Conducting successful negotiations II
Finding win-win solutions, even in challenging situations
The sixth module focuses on the actual negotiation or bargaining phase. Here we look at ways of reaching a positive agreement. Furthermore, you will learn how to deal with people who really don’t want to negotiate in a constructive manner.
Expanding the scope for negotiation: developing further options for mutual benefit
Dealing with resistance - how do we get the other party on our side?
What creativity techniques can we use in negotiations?
What options do we have to deal with aggressive negotiating partners?
How do we express concerns and when do we stop a negotiation for the time being?
At the end of this module ...
You will know much more about techniques you can use to deal with very difficult interlocutors in a negotiation. You will be able to come up with ideas to improve the deal and increase the 'value' for all parties.
MODULE 7: Negotiation tactics
Ways to influence the other party and the outcome
So far, we have looked at strategic approaches to negotiation. In Module 7, it is time to study some of the tactics that can be used to influence the direction and outcome of negotiations. We also discuss some of the tactics that our negotiating partner might use and how to respond to them.
What is an anchor in negotiation and how is it used?
How are offers or numbers "framed"? How can I apply the "framing effect" myself?
Why does the visualisation of numbers make them seem more real?
Tips for when making price concessions
Principles of persuasion
At the end of this module ...
You will have gained an insight into different techniques and tactics that you can use in your negotiations. You will also be able to recognise the tactics of the other side and react adequately to them. You will understand what impact numbers in the appropriate "packaging" can have on the thought process of your counterpart.
MODULE 8: When negotiations get tough
Dealing with lies and major power imbalances.
Not all negotiations go according to plan. Therefore, it is important to familiarise yourself with more difficult and challenging situations, be it that the other party withholds information, or you have to deal with monopolists. Here we return to the topic of power and power positions and clarify how to deal with them.
How do monopoly situations arise?
How can good preparation strengthen our negotiating position?
At what levels can we make a difference in negotiations with monopolists?
When the partner demonstrates power, how do we deal with it?
What role do age, experience or gender differences play?
Is it worth bluffing or deceiving the other side?
How can we recognise a bluff? How do we react in this situation?
If the other party doesn't play along - how do we deal with dirty tricks and unfair tactics from the other side?
At the end of this module ...
You will know how to work towards a positive outcome, even when dealing with powerful players. By the time you have completed this section, you will understand the levels at which you can influence the process and the outcome and be better able to deal with it on an emotional level.
MODULE 9: Conclusion of negotiations and summary
Tips and tricks from practice.
In our ninth and final module, we will look at important activities at the end of a negotiation and what the learning effect can be for next time. We will give general advice on how to continuously improve one's own negotiation style as well as providing you with the important principles of negotiation as well as some real-life examples.
How do we recognise that the other party is "at the end"?
What do we have to do towards the end of a negotiation?
How do we review our negotiation and use the knowledge gained for future discussions?
How can we practice negotiations and what additional measures are there?
What can we learn from real negotiation cases?
At the end of this module ...
You will know the most important tasks at the end of a negotiation and what you can learn from a negotiation. Finally, and in summary, you will receive the most important tips for your personal negotiations with examples from around the world.
Leave your professional footprint after every negotiation.
Sebastian James Hawkins, Wachendorfer Str. 7, 90513 Zirndorf
Email: office@hawkins-consulting.com | Tel: +49 (0) 911 - 39 45 628