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Nervous about negotiations?


"My first negotiation...
...held with success"

... our ONLINE training:

will help you gain the skills and the confidence for your future talks!

Upcoming events:

20 – 21 May 2021 (English)
01 – 02 July (German)
16 – 17 September (English)
25 – 26 November 2021 (German)


from 9 am to 5 pm on each day


Participation fee € 890.00 plus VAT.

In just two days of training, you will learn how to conduct professional negotiations with the aid of the Harvard Concept.

You practice the use of negotiation strategies and techniques.

You can now plan better for your negotiation success!

You stay calm in negotiations, even in challenging situations.

Your are better equipped to conduct your negotiations with techniques, tactics and further skills.

...and how you can benefit personally?

You reduce your nevousness and tension and are more confident in negotiation.


I don’t believe in the born negotiator. You can learn, practice and enhance your skills. And that with every negotiation.


Sebastian James Hawkins

You will learn:

Tactics and techniques

You will learn different tactics and techniques to influence the outcome of the negotiation, as well as to develop the relationship with the other party.

Planning + preparation

You will learn how to plan and prepare a negotiation and how to use certain tools to help you say no and gain more confidence in the negotiation.

Harvard principles

You will learn how to use the Harvard Concept as an orientation and guide to achieve better results and to improve the negotiation process.


Sebastian James Hawkins


Sebastian is the founder of Hawkins Consulting and has worked as a trainer and coach since 2008. His main focus is on negotiation, cross-cultural communication and dealing with different personalities in negotiation settings.

More info...

Booking information


  • LIVE over two days

  • System: Clickmeeting

  • Duration: 8h per day (including breaks)

  • Language: English or German

  • Maximum participants: 12

Participation fee

€ 890.00 plus VAT.

Upcoming events:

20.-21. May 2021 (English)
01-02 July 2021 (German)
16.-17. September 2021 (English)
25-26 November 2021 (German)


from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

These topics are covered in this training

Before the negotiation

  • What do I need to find out about the other party?

  • How do I go about strengthening my negotiation position before I start?

  • What planning tool exist that can help, amongst others to increase confidence?

  • What do I do if I have very little time to prepare?

  • What kind of approaches are there towards negotiation?


At the beginning of the negotiation

  • How can I set the scene and take control of the process?

  • How do I build up a relationship at the beginning?

  • What kind of information do we need to exchange and how?

  • What signals am I looking for and which should I send?

  • What kind of tactical questions can I ask in my negotiation?


During the negotiation

  • What differentiates competitive from cooperative negotiation?

  • What's the best way to go about formulating an opening offer?

  • How can I help to create value for both parties?

  • How do I go about developing solutions with the other party?

  • How do I convincingly put forward arguments?


At the end of the negotiation

  • How do I know when it's time to end the negotiation?

  • What criteria can I use to help make decisions or to set standards?

  • What can I do if the other party doesn't play ball?

  • How do I learn from each negotiation for the next one?

What is the Harvard Concept?

From the Program on Negotiation, the Harvard Concept or “Getting to Yes, negotiating without giving in” offers you a framework, upon which you can conduct mor successful, fair, and efficient negotiations. At the same time, the relationship between yourselves and your negotiation partners can also be improved.


The Harvard Concept encompasses:

  • Dealing with our emotions and not mixing up our thoughts about the other person with our thoughts about the negotiation problem. 

  • Discussing our interests as well as those of the other party and not just sticking to a particular position. Exchanging information, wishes, motives and needs. 

  • Working together towards a solution and developing ideas from which both (or all) parties can profit. 

  • Agreeing upon and using criteria, be that statistics, laws, decisions by others, involving third parties, in order to reach a decision. 

  • Having an alternative plan or course of action should we not be able to reach agreement, thus being able to walk away.

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Leave your professional footprint after every negotiation.

Sebastian James Hawkins, Wachendorfer Str. 7, 90513 Zirndorf

Email: | Tel: +49 (0) 911 - 39 45 628

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